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New Member Alert!
The Rutherford Elks Lodge wELKomed 34 New Members from April 2023- March 2024!

Let's look at some famous current and former Elks!!

Famous Elks.mov

The Rutherford Elks Lodge, along with all other Elks Lodges across the country, do great work in regards to Veterans, Special Children and the Community. 

Rutherford Lodge #547 is community-oriented and very involved with the following charitable works:

"So long as there is a veteran in our country, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them."

"An Elk never stands so tall as when he kneels to help a special child."

The Elks started as a social organization and evolved into its present form of charitable and community service. Elk members and their guests enjoy the hospitality of Rutherford Lodge #547 at numerous social functions such as dinners and parties, family picnics and other informal gatherings. 

The Rutherford Elks Lodge services Rutherford, East Rutherford, Carlstadt, Wallington, and other surrounding areas.  You do not have to be a Rutherford resident (or a resident of any of the listed towns) to join the Rutherford Elks Lodge!

The Rutherford Elks Lodge also has a Division of Antlers!  

For more information, email Sharon Bell: sharonelks547@gmail.com

New Jersey's Drive for 55!

This year, the New Jersey State Elks aim to increase their membership to 55,000 Elks!  

If you are interested in helping the Lodge, our District, and the State meet this goal, please reach out to Kelly Powers at elksmembership547@gmail.com!